Welcome to Email Magician. Please also see the document called "Email Magician Change History" for the latest changes in this version
What it Does (Skip this if you already know)
Automatic Filter creation, Automatic Mailbox creation, Automatic Nickname creation, Automatic Spam filter creation, More than 500 Spam filters included, Intelligent Urgent Filter creation, Preview before accepting any items, Filter renaming and redirection, Filter promotion and demotion, Quick Archiving of Mailboxes, One-click archiving of all mailboxes unchanged for a specified time period, One-click archiving of messages exceeding a specified number, One-click deletion of all empty mailboxes, One-click deletion of all "orphan" filters (filters targeting missing mailboxes), One-click operation of most features, Option to delete filters when target mailbox is deleted (and vice versa), Apply changes to entire blocks of filters (or all your filters) as a single entity., Save filter generation profiles, Generate filters and/or mailboxes for all your nicknames and address-books, Create "group" nicknames for all your address-books (for use "Intersects" options), Clean your Eudora folder of unnecessary files, Full Multi-user support, Safe! All altered files are backed-up, Multiple level Revert options, Built-in Tutorial, Easy to use, Customizable interface hides "advanced" features unless you want them, Works with most versions of Eudora, WILL SAVE YOU HOURS OF WORK!
First Launch (Skip this if you've already launched the software)
The first time you launch the software, it will ask you to locate your Eudora Folder. The folder referred to is usually NOT the folder in which your Eudora application resides. Rather, it is the folder in which Eudora stores its “Eudora Settings” file, as well as where it maintains a folder named “Mail Folder” in which it places all your incoming and outgoing mail. It is often named “Eudora Folder” and often is found in your System Folder but it doesn’t need to be. If you have an alias to it in your System Folder (or elsewhere) you only need select the alias. If you maintain multiple Eudora Folders, you will be able to add them to a menu within Email Magician.
THE EASIEST WAY TO LEARN EMAIL MAGICIAN is to read the Help screens that will appear at the first launch. After this (on the first launch) you will be presented with the Email Magician Setup Assistant. You are strongly urged to use this Setup Assistant the first time you run Email Magician. Besides configuring the main areas of the program, the Setup Assistant has been designed to teach you about Email Magician while you use it: you will learn all about the program's operation while you are configuring it. In the future, you can access the Setup Assistant from the Help menu to the far right of Email Magician's menus.
Registration (Skip this if you've already registered)
This is how you get a registration code. Once you have paid Kagi for Email Magician, either online at http://order.kagi.com/?4P&S or via the "Register" application included with Email Magician, send YAV the "Challenge Phrase" you will find in the Registration dialog box (there are menu items and buttons all over the program to take you there). It will speed things up if you include your Challenge Phrase as a comment when you register (see the instructions in the Registration dialog box or in the document "Registering YAV Software").
THE EASIEST WAY TO DO OBTAIN YOUR REGISTRATION CODE is to press the "TURBO" button in the Register Window! (or select the "Turbo Registration" menu option. This will automatically create an email with your Challenge Phrase in Eudora.
You will be receive a registration code usually within 24 hours. Once you enter the registration code in the Registration Window, your copy of the program will be unlocked.
THE EASIEST WAY TO ENTER YOUR CODE IN THE REGISTRATION WINDOW is to copy the entire registration email in Eudora. If you select "Register" or "Turbo Registration" in Email Magician, while your registration information on the clipboard (as supplied in the email you receive from YAV), Email Magician will automatically register itself! No typing will be necessary.
Contact information
You can send general inquiries to:
We welcome your suggestions for future versions of Email Magician. We are already working on the next version. With all other YAV software, upgrades to registered users are free of charge. We intend to continue this practice with Email Magician.
Alternate URL for WWW.YAV.COM:
This software is distributed "as is." Like any tool, it can be either used or misused. Neither Christopher Yavelow or YAV Interactive Media will assume responsibility for any problems it might cause for you. While every possible effort has been to assure that this software is free of "bugs," it is always a good idea to back up your important data files before using any new software, at least until you are sure it is doing exactly what it is intended to do. You may be assured that the Email Magician's developer has been using the program continually without incident. There have been many beta-testers as well. However, due to the number of Macintosh models and operating systems currently available, it is impossible to test a product like this with every combination of computers and operating systems. If you have a problem with Email Magician and your particular Macintosh configuration, please report it to YAV at emailmagician@yav.com, describing your computer, operating system, version of Eudora, nature of the problem, and any other information you feel could be pertinent. We will do everything we can to provide a solution.